At last! (and probably the last one)

TV&W Librarians’ 19things is now up to Thing 12 and here I am on no. 4.  (I have to confess, I skipped 2, so that’s even worse!).  I hope it’s worth the wait.

The Wordle (Thing 1) was something I’d seen but not used before.  It was easy to do and I’ve now got two rather jazzy images showing the most used search terms on our intranet.  We’ll have to work out how to use that information but as a visual representation, it’s very striking.  I like Wordles.

I skipped the QR code as we are a family of Luddites, with not a smart-phone between us (much to the annoyance of the children).  I have seen them in lots of places, particularly good examples in places like  discovery centres and country parks.  Visitors can get information about exhibits, local wildlife, etc.  Good use of technology.

Will post again after taking child2 to Brownies and child1 to music lesson.  Now you can see why it’s taken me so long to get to Thing 4!

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