I’m almost half-way there!!

Well, here I am at Things 8 and 9, the Protopage. I’ve created a NetVibes page previously, part of a Web 2.0 day course presented by Phil Bradley at CILIP. I shall dredge up all the links, emails etc and try to revive it, or at least understand it. Despite all the whining I do, I actually find I’m quite comfortable with Sharepoint now, which is another system that works on the principle of adding components (including widgets) to a page to display data in various formats. Not sure if it’s exactly ‘object oriented’ but that chimes for me.

Two postings in one day (in one hour!). There will be a pause before the next one.

Thing 7 – the pretty one

Missed catch-up week 1 so here I am trying to make up for lost time. This is Thing 7, Creative Commons Images. I can see that I’ll have to work on my search technique if I’m going to use this as it’s taken several goes to find something I can use, despite going via the Google image search function. I picked the ‘reuse, share’ level and still found photos for which I would have to pay. Not sure how that filtering worked.

Anyway, I’ve found a nice photo of my current obsession.  Our house is beginning to look like a commercial fruit growing enterprise, despite having only 2 Bramley apple trees and one Golden Delicious still in production.  The Grenadier and (?) Discovery/Worcester Pearmain have long since reached the end of this year’s crop.  Everyone is getting just a little tired of apple crumble, apple pie, apple muffins, apple cake – I’ve even got slices drying in the boiler cupboard.  PFB can’t eat apples due to fixed orthodontic appliances, so there are plenty to go round :).   And yes, we’ve given loads away.  I just hope the trees produce something, if not quite as much, next year.
Crate of apples from Tillington fruit farmcrate_of_apples

© Copyright andy dolman and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

Of course, now that I read on and click on the Wikipedia Commons link, I find it’s much more straightforward.  What was that about patience?.

Browsers – Thing6

Who’d have thought it would take so long to get to the next Thing?!

Found a few minutes to read the piece and Azadeh’s reflection.  I have always used IE, mostly because it’s there.  I installed some of the others when we got a new PC and the option was offered.  I’ve used Firefox, partly because it works better with Lotus (something I use in another job) and I got fed up with not seeing all the bits that should be on screen.  It also works better with on-line banking.  And this is IE8!  The kids are into Chrome (I think).  It’s finding the time to experiment…

I had a look at the on-line help for tabs.  I like the idea of the tab gallery tab thing (thumbnails of all the tabs you have open) but I don’t tend to have that many at home.  At work – that’s a different story.  I think I had 6 tabs in one session and 2 in another today.  Would love to have the better functionality to work with but we’re still on IE7.  It’s the NHS don’t you know.  I manage with the tools I’ve got (violins, please).

Off on another taxi run, will try to carry on later. 🙂